
Abandoned Churches of North Dakota

Have you driven North Dakota Seen the churches long abandoned Standing unpainted off the highways Still standing tall as when erected by Homesteaders Just off ships from Norway, Sweden, Germany? Families hauled here by the railroads The Great Northern and the Soo Line In their immigrant cars filled with Man, wife, children, team, cow, shoat, ewe and goose Read more

No Thrill

There is no thrill so fine As to release a derby you Have bred and raised from a pup In its first field trial stake Watch it cast to the front Hunt in yonder to a ridge Turn to see you here behind Then cast on in glee to find Birds to point and hold — For an instant Then as fall falls away Into winter as it grows Into a muscled real bird dog And stays longer at its finds Lets you walk in front to flush Finally watches birds fly away Stays put to get your praise Earned by learning what you want How long will it take You never know until it’s done But when it is you can take pride In your journey with your pup Read more

No Chance

I was sitting on a bar stool In a dark beer joint With a long neck Bud And a pickled pig's foot I was alone Nursin' a grudge 'Gainst a field trial judge Just throwed out my dog  For flaggin' on point Read more

Worst Mistake

Ben Reach and Sam Nixon MD were settled in Ben’s library-conference room at 4 PM on a Friday with drams of The Macallan 12 in plastic mugs and splits of club soda to dilute it on the table before them. Both were glad the work week was over — it had been a tough one. Sam had to tell a patient her cancer had returned. Ben had to tell a grandfather his favorite grandson had failed out of the grandfather’s Alma Mater.  Ben mentioned the bird dog trainers, field trial and hunting plantation types, were just back from summer training on northern prairies. He and Sam were invited to a dove shoot on Mossy Swamp Plantation tomorrow.  “What was the worst screw-up you saw field trial judges make in your years of doing that?” Read more

The Great Field Trial Dog Snatch Caper

This is a field trial story worthy of Sherlock Holmes, or Laurel and Hardy, but that could have been tragic. It’s the story of the theft of a handler’s entire string of entries at a field trial held at Amelia, Virginia in the early 1980s, a time of strong competition among accomplished east coast pro and amateur handlers... Read more

A Few of Means

A few men and women of means Kept all-age field trials alive Through depressions recessions and wars Helped by trainers in love with the game Since 1874 Read more

“Helpin’ Each Other”

It was 1957, in the era before “Helpin’ Each Other,” when pro bird dog handlers scouted for one another out of economic necessity. It was in the era when pro handlers traveled in stake-bed trucks instead of dually pickup trucks pulling goose neck trailers, and in the era when scouts were mostly black men employed year around as assistant trainers by the white handler they scouted for. Those scouts were a band of brothers, low paid but loving their work and the dogs they scouted and helped train.  Read more

Old Handler’s Prayer

Oh, please give me a puppy Can cast to the rim Of the biggest pasture  In South Alabama  Oh, please give me a derby  Will go to the limits  Of its hearing  Then come back alookin’ for me Read more

Smells We Don’t Forget

There are smells from childhood We remember into old age A favorite of mine is from age six When I sat on my father’s lap Behind Maud and Bird Our team of Belgian mares  Read more