“What is the noblest thing you ever saw a dog do here?”
The fellow asked his buddy as they watched the embers dim
Sitting before the fireplace at Chinquapin
The others had all gone to bed Read more
It’s that time again
South’s hot and muggy
The prairie beckons
Bird dog men
Time to load the pups and derbies
For school in big country
Up north where there’s wild birds
Sharp tails and pheasants and occasional Huns and no trees Read more
My friend Luke Weaver died today
His best friend Bubba called to say
We shared memories of our friend
A friend to all who came his way
Luke had a gift for friendship
And a gift for fun
If you were with him you’d be laughing
As sure as you were breathing Read more
On our small farm
In Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains
Lambing time commenced
On Christmas Eve
The pregnant ewes
Were gathered in
Our barn with third-cutting alfalfa hay
In the manger down the middle
Read more
At the cook out on the grounds Saturday Night
He heard lots of praise for Sal
But no one offered to buy her
And leave her on his string
Though two other handlers echoed Willie Koonce Read more
He was dead tired When he reached the one-course grounds Where starting tomorrow He would run The dogs on his string First he removed his two mounts From the trailer he’d pulled From two states away Behind the old pickup Led them to stalls hung them some hay Then he stretched the chain On the ground neath the shed One by one snapped his dogs’ collars To the links in Read more