End of the Season

Another season ending The quail pairing off Dogs and horses road weary Handlers and scouts wore out They’ve been on the road Since August Starting up north Hauling dogs and horses To new grounds week by week Read more

February Oaks

In February oaks I seek When I am feeling old and weak In groves they lift bare limbs to pray To celebrate a cold clear day Alone they spread strong branches wide In symmetry on every side Winds shake last acorns to the ground By birds and mammals to be found Turkey grouse and bobwhite quail Deer squirrel and mouse on them prevail I will endure oaks say to me Read more

Going to Ames

So your dog is qualified And you’re going to Grand Junction To run in The National Championship The one and only To run on the Ames Plantation Where for a century and a quarter The continent’s best bird dog has been yearly crowned And where bird dog stories true and fiction abound Read more