The Saddest Tale

You can talk about your endurance tests And yes, Ames is one with its three hours in West Tennessee And the Livingston Place for its hour fifty in briars and Florida heat (But you must not call it Dixie Plantation for both them words ain’t woke) And four hours down at Paducah in three days is a worthy test I guess But the toughest of all Was at Sedgefields West ( Mr. Jimmy’s Sedgefields ) In the National Free-For-All Read more

If You Ever

If you ever as a boy Shot at a grouse or quail Over a dog pointed You know the thrill For some that thrill persists And becomes a way of life An escape from countless worries A way to capture joy And for a few The connection with the dog Becomes the thing And bird dog field trials come to dominate The beauty of the country Where game birds live Read more