I Miss the Mountains

I miss the mountains whence I came The Blue Ridge of Southwest Virginia The Parkway ribbons along their top From Afton to Fancy Gap non-stop In April they turn from brown to green Redbuds and dogwoods declare spring In October they blaze yellow, orange, red, Under myriad sunsets, moons full and new Night skies lit by stars or gray with rain Read more


He was the best I ever owned But in truth he owned me A setter pup from Flash and Pat From their first litter of a dozen more  Joe Prince gave me Joe A weanling gift for Christmas I’d got Flash for him from Bill Anderson And Pat for him from Arthur Bean She a daughter of Alamance Pride Runner-Up to Hilmar for Arthur in the Eastern Open ‘76 Flash Read more

What if?

What if there were no more field trials?  Soon there would be only ankle warmers For only competition’s testing leads to better breeding It’s not a way-out theory  It’s the truth Read more

Days Remembered

I was twenty three to thirty  Care worn and sometimes depressed  But grouse season opened So I put my setter in the plywood box I’d built  Read more