
Advice to a Young Lawyer (continued)

It had been two years since Ben and Sam met with Rob Smith to discuss his next career move following his second judicial clerkship. Rob had decided to join a big Atlanta-based firm and become a litigator. Now he had asked to meet again with the curmudgeons. He had not told Joanne for what, and the curmudgeons as they waited for Rob to arrive we’re speculating. Read more

Farm Jobs I Did and Did Not Like

My boyhood farm jobs started at age six with opening gates for my father to drive through in his 38 Chevy and spreading two-handful piles of salt at ten-foot intervals in hilltop pasture cow trails, then calling the stock in to savor it with, “Coo sheep, Coo, Soo Calf, Soo,” until they arrived on the run to lick the salt up and be counted and inspected. This job came every Sunday afternoon as my father, his friend Jack Atkinson, a fellow farmer and N&W Trainman, and I inspected the stock on both their farms. This job I loved. Read more

Advice to a Young Lawyer

Ben Reach had followed with interest the career of Rob Smith since his days as a high school student in Albany where he had been valedictorian and captain of the baseball team. He had gone on to Ben’s Alma Mater, University of Georgia, and from there to Harvard Law where he had done well. He’d landed a clerkship with a Federal District Judge and was finishing that year when he called Ben and asked to see him for advice on his next career move. Read more


Over six decades my heart has been owned by a series of bird dogs, all but one an English Setter. The one exception was Ben, an English (or American) Pointer. As I remember them all in reverie, Ben appears in my mental DVD again and again. He was talented, and handsome, and lovable, and happily memorable. Just bringing him up in my mind’s eye makes me want to hug him. Read more

The Odd Couple

They were known in the field trial fraternity as the Odd Couple. Mike Trent was a classic Type A Competitor, perennially among the Top Ten Amateur handlers in horseback All-Age competition, as serious as a heart attack about winning, and as skilled as most any professional in developing and handling prospects. Bill East was as inept as Mike Trent was competent, but he too loved to run his dogs in competition, though he hardly ever placed a dog of his own. Read more

Pet Peeve

Ben Reach and Sam Nixon MD shared several pet peeves. First on Ben’s list was the practice of prosecutors, especially federal prosecutors, in pressuring minor offenders to testify against target alleged serious offenders in exchange for leniency. What Ben disliked was the temptation for the prosecutor to suggest what the testimony should be, and the inevitable willingness of the witness to testify as suggested (or demanded) whether true or not. The practice had become widespread, fueled by long mandatory sentences for drug-related offenses, even relatively minor ones involving marijuana, a drug legalized under state law in many states and in Canada. Read more

Run Off?

Once again Ben Reach had been drafted to fill in for a no-show field trial judge. This time it was in an invitational championship (not The Invitational Championship run every Thanksgiving weekend at Paducah but a copy-cat for another category). The handlers were amateurs, and so were Ben’s judging partners. They were enthusiastic and for their years in the game quite successful as handlers in their home venues where trials were run on released birds. Read more

A Sales Job

Ron Spears had called Joanne on Monday and asked for an appointment to see Ben Reach. She had set the appointment for 4:00 the next day, knowing, without asking, that Ben would want it then. Spears was the long-time manager and bird dog man on Twisted Pine Plantation, recently sold by the Yankees who had owned it a century to a Silicon Valley Venture capitalist said to be “richer than Croesus.” (When Joanne had heard that at her beauty parlor she’d Googled “Croesus” to find he was the King of Lydia in 560 BC and was plumb rich. Lydia, Google said, was now part of Turkey.) Read more

Finally Justice

In fifty years of law practice Ben Reach had seen every manifestation of human nature, good and bad, in family relations. But this one topped them all for pure villainy in Ben’s estimation. And he had seen it more than once, always between brothers, one weak, the other treacherous. The circumstances had always been some variation of these. Read more