End of a Partnership in Old Kentucky

Two libbies fly — his entry stays
Time’s up
He’s delighted
He will be back Monday
Unless …

Last brace Sunday
His partner’s entry as bracemate
They mutter good luck and mean it
His scout’s a stranger to him and his dog — but knows the grounds since childhood
(He helped release the birds — scout’s share of purse thus 50%)

Twice his scout’s deep voice rings out
Twice birds lift and his entry stay’s put
His race is enough and he gets called back
As does his partner’s entry
In bed Sunday night he asks himself, “Will Bud be too sore?” 

Monday morning at the stable he asks his partner
“Who’s scouting for you?”
The answer floors him
It’s the fellow scouted for him yesterday, told him unavailable for today
He knows why now, business decision

His scout for the two hours today
Is also local
But he had not helped plant the birds
His entry is not sore but he finds no birds
His partner wins, is partner no more

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