Handler’s Prayer For One More Cast

Oh, I long for one more entry
To ride behind of a crisp morning
When we gather on the pipeline
For the prayer for a safe ride 

Yes, I long to swing up on Monty
My old handling horse I swapped for
When my buddy lacked gas money
And I’d just won the Derby 

Long to sing one up that pipeline
Sun behind warming my shoulders
Casting long shadows forward
As my dog reaches, seeking 

Seeking scent of Bob White quail
Huddled on the roost
Tail to tail in a tight circle
Ready to fly in all directions

Or soon strolling through the wiregrass
Seeking insects and corn kernels
Spread there for breakfast
By the owners let me ride here 

Ride here to test
The worth of the dogs bred and trained
To seek and point them quail
Them noble birds