Old Handler’s Prayer

Oh, please give me a puppy
Can cast to the rim
Of the biggest pasture
In South Alabama 

Oh, please give me a derby
Will go to the limits
Of its hearing
Then come back alookin’ for me

Oh, please give me an all-age
That’s broke out of site
Will stay high and tight
But only so long as my scout has not passed by and missed it

One that hunts only the front
And will back
Except when I whistle that special way
Means go past then stop and not bust ‘em

Unless I add my special low whistle
Means go by and bust ‘em
Cause we got enough
Another’s too risky

Oh, please give me one
With unlimited run
For three days in a row
Up at Paducah

Oh, please give me one
That can hunt the three hours
Ames Plantation demands
And point three coveys per hour without a bobble or a sag or a flag

Give me that, Lord
And I’ll ask for no more
For if you’ve given me that I’ll know
I’ve had one good night’s sleep 

I’ll know my broke bones is healed
My arthritis subdued
My numbness eased
My sciatica freezed 

For a day
And that’ll be enough
For a handler knows
Good luck never lasts 

Knows the best dogs die young
Like Chinquapin Andy
Made for winning it all
Until cancer took him 

Knows good luck comes seldom
And only in spurts
But bad luck like a tooth ache
Comes often and sometimes to stay

Until you screw up your courage
And call the dentist
Go and sit in the chair
Take the shot in the jaw 

Then will it be
A root canal or extraction
You won’t know
Till it’s x-rayed and probed 

But you know either way
There is only so much good luck
And it usually comes
To them that works hardest