
I reported my first field trial in January 1995 and my last in January 2022, both at Chinquapin Farm, both the Florida Open All-Age Championship. Many in between all over the continent and every year the Florida. All but a few on borrowed horses. 

Mr. George Moreland, HOF, had a saying, “If it’s too far to take your own horses, you best not go.” He was speaking of judging assignments, but his wisdom applied double to reporting. The last thing on a sponsor’s check list is horses for the reporter. 

The one place I was never put on a bad horse was Chinquapin. And for many years my morning mount was Leonard, a short, stocky (like me) guest horse generally reserved for children and aged shooting guests. 

After experiencing many bad horses around the country, I asked Leonard, Chinquapin’s beloved wrangler, “Leonard, you have never put me on an unsafe horse. What is your secret?” 

Leonard gave me his special grin and reached in his jacket pocket. He pulled out a small vial of clear liquid with a rubber top. “I put a little of this on its tong. It’s called ACE”.