The Dog To Do It…continued

And you ride to his call
And there stands your dog high and tight
Will it stay when you flush
After three usually no 

Your scout knows that well
Was why he called point
But nothing to do
But flush

But as you walk to your dog
You get an idea
Instead of flushing
You grab its collar

Pull it away
Walk back to your mount
Say to the judges
Was a rat not a quail

After your dog
Is named Champion
You look up your scout
And with a sucker punch
Break his jaw

His dog’s owner
(A plaintiff’s lawyer)
Files a complaint
With the UKC
Wants you banned from the game

So you lawyer up
With a trialer attorney
Who suggests to the UKC
They get an advisory opinion
From the Trustees of the AFTCA
Who unanimously say
Your punch was justified
So the complaint gets dismissed
For lack of evidence 

Then you wake
It’s a dream
Caused by ice cream
You had after supper