On Being Old …Still Working

Ben and Sam met every Friday afternoon
In Ben’s library-conference room
To contemplate their week of law and medicine
Enjoy their friendship and a dram or two of The Macallan

Sometimes they said almost nothing to each other
Just pondered silent what the week had brought
Always folks confronting troubles
That the Curmudgeons tried to help them solve

A wife showing signs of dementia
A grandchild hooked on opioids or anorexia
A daughter caught her husband with another woman
A son broke and in fear of loan sharks because of a gambling addiction

A long-time client or patient
Broke or sick in body or in mind or both
They talked about these patrons that they shared
Often in frustration when they saw no way to help

But sometimes they saw a chance to maybe help
Or guide the patron toward an answer
Or often just the inner strength to endure a problem with no answer
For life was filled with those for every mortal
Their years had taught them