2018 Florida Championship

Segment of Tom’s American Field report for the 2018 Florida Open All-Age Championship detailing the finals performance of the champion, Lester’s Georgia Time, handled by Robin Gates and scouted by Tony Reynolds.

The day’s final hour would produce the Champion’s performance. Released on Lookout Ridge, Lester’s Georgia Time (Gates) and Seminole Boss (Furney) went into the hilly country beyond where Boss quickly encountered a deer that lead him off. Time was shown coming around the Big House Pond, then across the powerline west of Big House and through the rising country beyond. At left front point was called for Time in tree line by Furney at 20 (good luck for Time because neither Robin nor Scout would likely have seen him). He had a single which flew directly at his face but he remained a statue. For the next forty minutes he searched the front going to distant birdy places at handler’s request and swinging when called.

Robin made the most of Time’s having the course alone with an admirable job of handling. Down through the flats where hunting parties frequently score this time a day he hunted diligently but birds had shut off in the still and drizzly conditions. One covey was ridden up by a judge, still in a wad as if roosting. Though Time had scored only once, and on a single bird, it was enough for these judges who were looking for a true all age performance, deep yet responsive to handler and without excessive scouting. The judges emphasized the Champion and Runner-Up (Chinquapin Legacy, Slade Sikes) were very close to one another in the quality of their performances, both exhibiting responsiveness yet independence at good range.