An Open Letter to the American Field

As a long time lover of bird dogs and the field trial sport, I wish the American Field Publishing Company only success. And with that success in mind, I urge it to make available to subscribers (perhaps as a premium subscription to give it additional revenue) online access to one of its treasures: the annual records of all field trial results sanctioned by it printed in the back of Field Trial Stud Books from 1901 through 1948. These records are invaluable to students of field trial history. Through them one can recreate the excitement and heartbreak of a field trial season at one sitting, and see the influence of sires (and dams) over decades.

Scanning these records and placing them on line would I am told be simple and inexpensive (I have no expertise on this question). Please consider this proposal for the good of our obscure but beloved by some sport, and for the good of your owners and creditors.