Staying Sane

On May 1, 2021, I will celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of commencing law practice, Lord willing. Why has he not retired? you ask.

Because I enjoy it, immensely. Not to be challenged daily with the legal problems of others is for me anathema. Not to have this window on human nature would be unimaginable. So I plan to keep practicing as long as I am able, and I have a pact with my son and partner Scott and with the other lawyers in the firm where I practice that if they detect I am slipping they will tell me.

Now for a secret. What has kept me sane through sixty years of law practice, starting in a small firm that grew to a monolith, then moving to a father-son partnership and now to a specialty boutique? A passionate hobby, pointing dogs. I have walked or ridden horseback behind them as long as I have practiced law. And for amusement I write stories about them. They are marvelous companions and teachers of those essential character traits, loyalty and enthusiasm.

Merry Christmas to you all!

Tom Word


  1. Tom – I REALLY enjoy reading your stories. As a young guy growing up 60 years ago we had a big-running (for a foot-hunter) pointer for hunting quail in southern Illinois. After getting married, I ended up with a Brittany that got me into field trials, horses, trailer, and all of the other fun stuff. I’ve been fortunate to put a Field Trial championship on a couple of Brits and met some wonderful people.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    Ken Luzader

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