A Tale Often Told

In A Hypothetical, I posted on Facebook about a stolen point and asked readers whether they would confess their thieving dog’s larceny to the judges and pick up, or accept the good luck that their dog’s crime went judicially unseen. That was back in 2016, and recently reposted.

Here is a true story on the same theme, involving two of field trialing’s best known characters, John Rex and Robin Gates.

The time was early in Robin’s career, the venue Dixie Plantation, the stake the Continental Open All-Age Championship. The brothers were braced together.

Robin’s dog had a find on the limb. John Rex’s dog was backing at a good distance. Robin bellowed “Point!” The judges could not hear him but John Rex did, and soon arrived on the scene.

“Go get a judge, “ the older brother said.

“You go get a judge, my dog’s pointed,” Robin replied indignantly.

“You want a judge you gonna have to get him,” John Rex said, and sat his horse smiling.

Robin went for a judge.

When Robin and the judge arrived, John Rex’s dog was in front, Robin’s backing. All was in order on flush.

Riding together back to the front, Robin complained bitterly.

John Rex’s response: “Hell, Boy, You wasn’t getting nothing done. I’m winning this thing.”


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